The Ultimate Guide to Tank Driving Experiences in Kent

Kids Tank Party Ride

Tank driving experiences in Kent have become increasingly popular, drawing thrill-seekers and history enthusiasts alike. Imperium Adventures offers an opportunity to engage in this exhilarating activity, giving you an experience like no other. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of what to expect, how to prepare, and why this adventure is a must-try.

The Thrill of Tank Driving

Driving a tank is unlike any other off-road adventure. The sheer power of these military vehicles offers a sensation that is both thrilling and empowering. Participants will find themselves in control of a machine designed for rugged terrains and challenging conditions. The experience begins with a safety briefing and an introduction to the vehicle’s controls. Once the basics are covered, participants get behind the controls, guided by experienced instructors who ensure both safety and enjoyment.

The tracks used for these experiences are designed to test the tank’s capabilities and the driver’s skill. Muddy pits, steep inclines, and uneven ground are all part of the course, providing a genuine feel of what these machines can do. The adrenaline rush is immediate, and the sense of accomplishment after navigating these obstacles is immense.

What Participants Can Expect

Imperium Adventures ensures a memorable and comprehensive experience. Upon arrival, guests are greeted and briefed on safety procedures and the itinerary for the day. The initial briefing covers the history of the tanks, their use in military operations, and the mechanics of driving them.

Participants are then introduced to their assigned tank, which is the 15 ton Grenadier-Schützenpanzer. Instructors provide a detailed walkthrough of the controls, explaining how to operate the tank safely and effectively. The hands-on experience begins with basic manoeuvres to build confidence before tackling more challenging aspects of the course.

Driving a tank requires a different set of skills compared to other vehicles. The controls are more robust, and the visibility is limited, adding to the challenge. Participants learn to rely on guidance from their instructors and the unique feedback from the tank itself. The thrill of manoeuvring a massive, powerful vehicle through rough terrain cannot be overstated.

Preparing for Your Adventure

Preparation is key to getting the most from your tank driving experience. Participants should wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear. The nature of the activity means you can expect to get muddy, so dress accordingly. Gloves can also be useful for maintaining a firm grip on the controls.

Physical fitness is not a prerequisite, but some degree of agility can help. Climbing in and out of the tank requires a bit of dexterity, and controlling the vehicle demands a certain level of physical engagement. However, instructors are always on hand to assist and ensure safety.

Listening carefully to the safety briefing and instructions is crucial. Understanding how to operate the tank and what to expect on the course will make the experience more enjoyable. Paying attention to the instructor’s guidance throughout the session ensures a smooth and thrilling ride.

Participants should also consider bringing a camera or smartphone to capture moments of their adventure.


Tank driving in Kent offers a unique blend of history, thrill, and hands-on experience. Imperium Adventures provides an expertly guided opportunity to experience the power and excitement of driving a tank. With the right preparation, participants can fully immerse themselves in this unforgettable adventure. Whether you’re a history buff, an adrenaline junkie, or just looking for something out of the ordinary, tank driving promises a day of excitement and memories that will last a lifetime.